18th January 2025

Search Kineton Parish Council

Serving the people of Kineton

Introducing #TeamWilder

Our Vision of a Wilder Future for Kineton

What do you love about your local green spaces/nature? What would you change? Let us know and together we can make it happen!

Join us as we help bring about nature's recovery. A world rich in nature and wild spaces, benefiting both people and wildlife.

This is our chance to embrace everyone who is motivated to make a difference, to inspire action and to share our knowledge. Everyone is needed, from gardeners to landowners and farmers; from businesses to schools and faith groups; from families to councils and volunteers; groups, clubs, individuals and everybody else besides.

Everyone must understand the time for change is now, and recognise their own role in making that change happen. Join #TeamWilder today!

Email: clerk@kineton-pc.gov.uk

Rewilding Kineton Summer Competition - Make a Nature Collage

Artist - John Vincent Palozzi

Artist - John Vincent Palozzi

Taking photographs of wildlife is really fun, and helps to capture the moment. But what do you do with all your photos? How often have you left them sitting in your phone or on the computer? Now's the time to make use of all those lovely photos, by turning them into a nature collage.

Don't have a camera…? Don't Panic…! You can still enter 😊. There are some amazing collages made from leaves, twigs and seeds -even magazines.

Rewilding prizes for the winners of each category including books, kits and makes.

Entries are judged in the following age categories:

  • Entrants under 5
  • Entrants aged 5-8
  • Entrants aged 9-11
  • Entrants aged 12-15

Competition Closes Friday 4th August 2023

Important notes:

If entering online, please keep your original artwork in a safe place until October 2023 and don't forget to include your name, age and the town / village in which you live.

Send your entries to:

Email: clerk@kineton-pc.gov.uk


By Post: Collage Competition, Sideways, Banbury Road, Kineton CV35 0JY


Last updated: Mon, 17 Jul 2023 11:20